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I need help, when I try to download the game in the latest available update, when I start the download it downloads an old update and I haven't been able to solve it

do you try another route like reject neu?

The version u download bro? The latest here is 0.1.5


Go to his patreon and be a member to see unreleased posts


The update is up to kamuo


So this is what a Team Fortress 2 player feels like

No update yet? 😖


wait two weeks again🗿



keburu ramadhan anjr dahlah 🗿

Every 3 months gets an update


It’s been 3 months and 1 week..And where is the update?


Im Crying

Im sleeping

I wish

Im sad

Can i play this on my ios ipad? If yes then how do i do it


I have already ported both game for iOS

Its been three months 😌 emma still wait the update patiently...

(+1) not alone :V



You have discord server? If yes, where link?


Its now my favourite novel. Its was hard to read cause i dont good in English. But its interesting. When be full game, i but in your patreon. I need do card first, cause i in 9 class😲


Just got here after finishing the one with Vel (First fame I think it was) and out of the get go, total respect from me for keeping Vel seperate from here or like yeah no NTR and stuff. Would've ruined what happened the previous game/s. 

Amyways, back to this game, just really reading what info is available here and...So, it follows the storyline (branching storyline) from the first game towards pretty much its own storyline or so. I think I just confused myself there but lmao. Again, total respect for this, for respectimg Vel and the first guy, to following the storyline towards a new entire one wihout throwing everything from before under the bus or so. Really like where this is seemingly going, and this is just from what's available here. 

Perhaps bias but seriously, good, no, great job. This is most likely gonna be another masterpiece, just saying not for certain cause haven't tried it yet myself and that it is still in development. But anyways, looking so promising, tell you that. Totally worth the support, cheers to mutual respect and trusts hopefully between your supporters and to you, a toast to everyone who made this possible.

Aight, lmao, thank you and take care.

how do i get uncensored version and can someone link his discord i cant find it for the love of me


the uncensored version is exclusive from his patreon


Best game I ever played!

Of course " Vel " too.

Perfect storyline...awesome animations. I love your work and big fan❤️ keep up the good work💪 

Also can you try add this game to steam  Pls! I would definitely buy it! Because it is difficult payment to patreon  in my country😔


Anyone tell me how to download am kinda new here


click the download button at the top, you'll see a payment option, there is a "no thanks, just take me to the downloads" option, click it then there will be file(s) presented to you, windows mac whatever you are using...

click on the one that is compatible with your device


When is the 4th lewd? Huhu..

maybe 2 weeks🗿

i hope so


Its been 2 weeks 😌

one more week


1 week hello 🥺


Happy 69th day anniversary for the 3rd lewd update!

This post this comment is a celebration of the 69 days of the 3rd lewd update


Great Game and you are Working Solo. You have such a big Talent! Keep up the great Work i'll try to support you as good as I currently can.

Strange request but If this is going to be one of my favourite game, I need to see "cuddlefudge"

so do I download the "2nd Lewd Update Early Build" so I update the game?

Uhm how to update the game?

I think u just click on the "2nd Lewd Update Early Build" and download it again 

It's just the same, it says "to be continued". What should i do?

Maybe you need to find it like las time

What do you mean? Should i delete it and download it again? 

I want to see more of neu scenes

at this point i just download the updates for the story, keep it up!

we need more scene for neu :))

Im waiting for the update! Also could you add scene for neu? Huhu 


PEOPLE we love kamuos work and are waiting for the next update but pls if u ask if vel is in the game, read the description as she has a separate game

Same thou.

I tried to click the choice that deca made and that sound just scared me at night


I use the mouse scroll and spam clicking it

(1 edit)

PTSD intensify

intoh a doll uhn, i would like to meet her and learn more about her

What an ineffable story I want to live so as not to miss this novel. tysm

whens the next update gonna drop because i wanna play some more of this also could you add a deca scene and another mykka scene because the first wasnt enough

(1 edit)

gad damn the game is becoming better and better even though the story has changed pretty much a lot but i enjoy and the keep up the good ill be just here waiting for updates :D and was vel removed cant seem to see her in the game anymore

She was not removed and still exists in the game just not visibly still the same universe my fwiend

Yeah Vel is still here shes still part of the lore but I think you won't see her unless she works I mean she's still with her lovers house probably

She had his own storyline, this is was the other storyline with another men that actually not the same person as the first game but still at same universe.

Amazing game finally got to play and can't wait for the next update

Can we add vel as an extra character tthat you have to unlock through a secret mini game. Also I'm on a kindle and when I go to Install the game it just says app not installed but I have all the other games installed. Plz hep meh!

I'm wait for update 4th lewd XD.

Me too,i wish a Lewd Update with Pari or Lafi and Rafi

yeah. we're wait for update.

This shit is awesome keep up the good work man. I keep coming back waiting for the next update (not intending to rush you) and could not be more excited for it.


This is a wonderful little project you have going here! I love everything you have up at the moment and you're doing great! Keep up the good work! (From what I've seen, and from what I can surmise, you have your work cut out for you! Keep going strong!!)

dear god deca scared the shit out of me 


Didnt expect it to be Mykka lol. this was a nice update, thank you Kamou-san :>

Sorry guys, is'nt there like a guide? a walkthrough? I keep gettin only the last scene with neu :(

you need reject the neu

Me to it gave me the same thing (to be continued)

Reject Neu in the bed scene

She is super cute tho

But yeah to unlock other lewd scenes you have to reject her             (~°¡W¡°~)

(Sorry neu)

I downloaded the update and it only let me go to the scene with Neu and then gave me the "To Be Continued!" screen. I tried uninstalling and downloading from different link multiple times but kept getting an earlier version without the current update. Does anyone have a solution?

you can reject neu

(1 edit)

This branch does not have a continuation yet, probably. I refrained and after that the plot continued. Probably, when the author finishes the plot after the scene with Neu, this offshoot will be radically different in the future

I really like it! Keep up the good work

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