This game would effectively be on hiatus.
I'm not actually happy with how it's turning out, so I will be redoing the game.
I would still be working on the game, but I don't want to have the pressure of people asking me when the update is coming out.
Asking me when the next update is coming doesn't make it come faster, surprisingly.
Why redo the game?
The main reason is I don't feel excited working on just a visual novel anymore and want to make more involved games. I tried to still work on this vn but that just resulted to the process taking long since I'm not fully happy with it.
Another reason is it's been a long time since I first started this project and my art has improved since then. I'm not happy with the quality of a lot of the art/animation of the vn anymore.
Making a game with more gameplay would take longer to do, so don't expect anything to come anytime soon.
Lastly, I know I could have announced this sooner, but I wanted to do it along with releasing CRIMR: kamuo.itch.io/crimr
So people would have something to play rather than just be disappointed.
Get Aren't Grim Reapers Supposed to be Scary?
Aren't Grim Reapers Supposed to be Scary?
Cute R18+ Visual Novel
More posts
- Lafi Rafi Lewd UpdateApr 10, 2022
- 3rd Lewd Update Early BuildNov 27, 2021
- 2nd Lewd Update Early BuildAug 26, 2021
- 1st Lewd UpdateMay 11, 2021
- 6th Reaper UpdateFeb 21, 2021
- 5th Reaper UpdateJan 12, 2021
- 4th Reaper UpdateNov 13, 2020
- 3rd Reaper UpdateOct 03, 2020
- Small UpdateAug 20, 2020
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Encontre este juego de casualidad hace unos años y hoy volvi a verlo y realmente es genial amo el diseño de los personajes la historia quizas nunca vuelvas a trabajar en este proyecto lo cual esta muy bien pero creo que dejas ir una gran oportunidad,espero y sigas algun dia con este juego.
not another victim of perfectionist syndrome ;(
Espero que no dejen morir esta pequeña joya, realmente es un buen juego, me gustó y espero que continúen. Sé que quizás el proyecto que hiciste no fue de tu agrado, pero al menos termínalo o si vas a continuar, no he visto nada de que quieras rehacerlo y eso no está mal, pero haz algo. Queremos ver cómo termina esta historia. ¿Qué le pasa al personaje principal, por qué llegó allí en primer lugar? Me quedé con dudas.
We are waiting for all the CIS when Maestro Kamui finishes his masterpiece. AGRSS has huge potential.
привет я тоже из снг можем ли мы с тобой связаться в телеграмме, у меня есть вопросы по поводу AGRSS а то нигде не могу найти инфы когда выйдет и все такое, ответь пожалуйста)
Casi un año sin actualizaciones :(
"Ojalá algún día sigas trabajando en este proyecto es muy buen juego la verdad la historia es interesante y me quede re manija el saber que pasara después XD ojalá saques una actualización pronto :) "
dude im so late to this post about 337 days to be exact, and i wanna say your art is absolutely amazing i seriously love it, ive gotten every other type of game like this and they just didnt feel right but this one felt like it had a actual story behind it. Please take your time, take breaks, and have much needed rest
Ronnette, my dear, don't ever disappear
Do what you want as long as you stay here
I need you now, I love you so much
More than you could know
The Christmas kids were nothing but a gift
And love is a tower where all of us can live
You'll change your name or change your mind
And leave this fucked up place behind
But I'll know, I'll know
I'll know, I'll know
I'll know, I'll know
I'll know, I'll know
Appearing unsightly
With devils inside me
If you ever try to leave me, I'll find you, Ronnie
If you ever try to leave me, I'll find you, Ronnie
If you ever try to leave me, I'll find you, Ronnie
If you ever try to leave me, I'll find you, Ronnie
I'm leaving, Phil, I'm leaving now
I'm going to escape, but you won't know how
Or where to find me when I'm gone
I'll drink myself to death inside
This prison cell
This prison cell
So get me out of here
Get me out of here
Get me out of here
Get me out of here
You'll change your name or change your mind
And leave this fucked up place behind
But I'll know, I'll know
I'll know, I'll know
I'll know, I'll know
I'll know, I'll know
May I ask how to download the previous version of the game? Here I can only download the 0.1.7 version of the game. This is not the case in narrative games before this
Same here,i found this by accident and decided to play it(this i also my first game on itch.io) and it was surprisingly good,i hope there will be more to play though.Visual novel is greattt
I don't quite understand what to do to get Deca's route. I'm pressing what i need, but deca thinks that i have missed, the button (i mean the part in Susui's office). Or am i doing anything wrong. I'll try some more things, but i hope I'll get a responce.
could you also please continue this with the vn version i want to be able to run this and i can barely run this on my crappy computer already can you just produce the visual novel with it so you get to make the game you want to and continue making the game you started with for the people who wont be able to run the gameplay version/like the visual novel version more
how many endings does the game have?
I downloaded it now how tf i run it
you need to find it in your downloads and extract it.
(side note: I find our names to be a ironic twist of happenstance)
If you're saying your art has gotten better, then thats really something to look forward to. Because your art was already amazing to begin with. much love
Your art, world building, characters and sense of immersion are all amazing, so I don't think I'm alone in wanting you to take your time and make something you're happy with. The creator has to like their own work for others to enjoy it!
I love Vel and look forward to this game, your art is amazing, take your time! Making a vn is hard work and the characters you did are beautiful, if you feel like its needed consider teaming up with someone for the writing and the scenario, thanks for the update Kamuo :)
It‘s great!
Hello Kamuo and Kamuo fans, I am writing this comment to ask about what program you use to make your art because I really like how it is, I want to create a project and I don't know what application to use to make the art and I don't want them to be static images. Thanks for reading and I hope you help me! :)
I use clip studio paint
okay, thank you! <3
Kamuo my man
Its ok
Its not like its the end of the world
Besides exploring new types of games is pretty cool
People can be Asian in pressure sometimes
Meaning to say very very high in putting it
Im Asian so dont at me
We are very much sorry for all of said pressure
Keep up the good work my guy
And good luck in your future projects
Much love
Everyone <3
Also i love how the new game CRIMR sounds like a pokemon
I agree
But man
I think you know well
How to skip
Take your time my guy, we all can wait patiently. Someone once said, great pieces take great times. (no one i know said that btw)
well, you said it